Thank you for visiting our website.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. Together we are stronger.
Zoran Milic
For exact offer, PLS send us quantity and product you need with delivery address.
Merilly d.o.o.
Address: Vodnikova ulica 2
Post number and city: SI-2250 Ptuj
Country: Slovenia – European Union
Company ID: 5405513000
VAT number: SI92034535
Area manager for US market question: Way we need to buy from you if all my clients can buy directly from the producer?
e-Ceramica answer:
Generally, in the US you have 80% -90% of manufacturers – suppliers from around the world.
It makes no sense for me and you, to copy them and find some customers who will have stock tiles. And struggle with 0.10 € lower prices or new design tiles for 1 m2 more realization.
So I offer you /and you offer to your clients / different thing.
-Do you know any suppliers who will put his clients on his web site with client price and give them the exclusivity in the city for product turnover – every month something?
-How many suppliers will give you exclusivity for the country and all profit from public price, for orders – every month something?
-Will any supplier give, you for example net price for TAU, so that you can file a 250-euro total order from your clients and deliver 3 m2 into a single retail store or 5 m2 in another customer’s store?
-Practically clients work without stock for Tau and they can offer all products from ( best-selling companies – are on this moment presented), but we will add much, much more on the same system.
-How many of your clients currently have 5537 collections (and all collections from all catalogs)?
That’s why we are different (we sell all products) and we retain the exclusivity of city products for our customers.
My suggestion about what you need to do:
Take samples of 25×40 BLANCO BRILLO 3.83 €/m2 and offer to your clients / let say 1 piece per client/
Or any product from catalogs
The critical point for you is that you have sales points with samples that you can deliver in a reasonable time of all the products you order with minimal transportation costs.
So on start please focuses on, for the example product from Spain, so you can full fill the shipment.
The critical point for your country is about 5000 m2.
When you have this amount of white tiles, this will be a special production for you in e-Ceramic boxes with the produced for the USA.
So you and your customers have exclusive products and no one can compare the price and destroy you and your client profit at a lower price for the same product.
Finally, point
You buy from us – we buy from you (Together we are stronger)
Send me a letter with a company presentation (please write it personally – do not copy the text of the manufacturer) for any manufacturer, with the catalog – price list.
We’ll add all the manufacturers you have, one by one.
The same / you are buying from us – we buy from you (Together we are stronger) / you offer to all your clients.
This will give you at more and more products, and more and more customers will gladly join our network.